
I’ve thought of words in musical terms for as long as I can remember. Stories sound to me a lot like songs. I edit with my ears and eyes—listening for the music, looking for the best ways to refine and clarify the lyrical story. Not that every book is melodious. Some are intentionally dissonant. That’s all part of the fun.

I’ve studied copyediting, developmental editing, and grammar, and I try to take at least a couple of classes each year to improve my craft. Working for a small traditional publisher has given me a different kind of education in editing and a peek at the inner workings of the publishing industry. Membership in two editing associations and an editors’ mastermind group helps me stay involved with the editing community.

I live in the country with my husband, dogs, and whatever wildlife wanders through. Sunshine and green growing things make me happy. I name lizards but never and frogs. And I’m looking forward to getting to know you.

© 2024 Cindy Bryan